Trinity Reformed Church

December 22, 2024 Fourth Sunday of Advent
Worship 9:00 AM
(Live on Dumont Cable Chan. 1001 & on demand at


Advent Candle Reading: Colby Wix & Eden Wix 

Opening Prayer
Offering – “O Come All Ye Faithful (#145) 

Offertory Prayer 

Children’s Christmas Program – The Christmas Nativity 

Congregational Songs:
O Little Town of Bethlehem (#141)
We Three Kings (#166) 

Prayer of Illumination 

Scripture: Psalm 96
Message: “Reign”
*Final Hymn: “Joy to the World” (#125) *Benediction
*Closing Song: “Emmanuel” (#134)


Welcome to our Children’s Christmas Program! We thank Ami Cordes and everyone who made the Children’s Program possible!

Don’t forget to check out the bake sale during fellowship to support our youth programs. 


Next Sunday: Praise Team 4
Keyboardist: Denise Abbas Next Sunday: Denise Abbas Sound/Projection: Ryan Fleshner Video: Jodi Bangasser Greeters Today: Brent & Dawn Janssen, Matt & Michelle Eberline Greeters Next Sunday: Ken & Ruth Seehusen, James Seehusen 


Today at Trinity: 
9:00 a.m. – Worship Service 
10:00 a.m. – Fellowship Time 
10:30 a.m. – Sunday School 


This Week at Trinity:
Tuesday: 6:00 PM – Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Wednesday: 11:00 AM-1:00 PM – Freewill offering meal 


Thank You: 

Thank you to everyone who shared their care and concern following the death of Sharon. In particular, thank you to everyone who helped make her funeral a fitting tribute, especially those who prepared and served the meal. She will be greatly missed. 

-Richard Dralle and Family 


We want to take a moment to thank the prayer partners and kids for a wonderful evening at the big reveal party! Thank you especially to Tim and Denise Junker for supplying a snack mix and Beth Muilenburg for the Grinch punch and cookies! God has put all of us in a special situation to change someone's life through being a model and a constant source of prayer! Merry Christmas! January letters will be coming later next month! 


Congratulations to Ethan and Shelby Ulfers on the birth of their daughter Hartley Hazel.
Hartley is welcomed home by big brother Tripp! May God bless this new little girl and her family! 



If you would like to bless Pastor Russell and his family this Christmas, there is a donation box on the heater in the foyer. 


We don't want anyone to be alone for Christmas!! Please join us on Christmas day for a "FREEWILL OFFERING" meal at Trinity Reformed Church from 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Proceeds will go towards the meal for the following year! There will be a drawing for (2) FREE Butler County 2025 Super Saver Fair passes. 


Mark Your Calendars: The MSYG & HSYG will be hosting a Speckendicken Fundraiser meal on Sunday, January 12, at 5:00 PM. 


The new “Word of Hope” are in the bookrack. 


In The Word (Week of Dec. 15) 
Sunday: Lamentations 4 
Monday: Lamentations 5 
Tuesday: Nehemiah 1 
Wednesday: Nehemiah 2 
Thursday: Nehemiah 3 
Friday: Nehemiah 4 
Saturday: Nehemiah 5 


In The Word (Week of Dec. 22) 
Sunday: Nehemiah 6 
Monday: Nehemiah 7 
Tuesday: Nehemiah 8 
Wednesday: Nehemiah 9 
Thursday: Nehemiah 10 
Friday: Nehemiah 11 
Saturday: Nehemiah 12