Trinity Reformed Church
March 16, 2025 Second Sunday of Lent
Worship 9:00 AM
(Live on Dumont Cable Chan. 1001 & on demand at
Welcome & Call to Worship
*“Nothing But the Blood” (#195)
“What Wondrous Love Is This” (#177)
*Opening Prayer
*Greeting One Another
Congregational Prayer & Lord’s Prayer
Children’s Message – Beth Muilenburg
Prayer of Illumination
Scripture: John 18:15-27 (Chelsea Peelen)
Message: “Power Denied”
Offertory Prayer
*Final Hymn: “Lead Me to Calvary” (#176)
*Closing Song: “At the Cross” (#188 verse 1)
Welcome to Trinity! We welcome Pastor Russell back as he continues the series “The Power of the Cross”. Don’t forget to come back tonight at 5:00 PM for soup and sandwiches followed by devotions led by Pastor Russell.
Praise Singers: Beth Muilenburg, Chelsea Peelen
Next Sunday: Praise Team 4
Keyboardist: Greta Cordes Next Sunday: Denise Abbas
Sound/Projection: Matt Eberline Video: Lucas Junker
Greeters Today: Barb DeBoer, Dave & Sue White
Greeters Next Sunday: Mark & Jodi Bangasser, Gary & Merrie Krukow
Today at Trinity:
9:00 a.m. – Worship Service
10:00 a.m. – Fellowship Time
10:30 a.m. – Sunday School
5:00 p.m. – Lenten Meal followed by devotions
This Week at Trinity:
Tuesday: 10:00 AM – Ladies Bible Study
Wednesday: 7:00 PM – MS & HSYG
Thursday: 7:30-9:00 AM – Trinity Café
Saturday: 7:30 AM – Men’s Bible Study
Prayer Concerns:
Please keep Wendy Dralle and her family in your prayers as they mourn the passing of Daniel. May God wrap them in His love and comfort and give them strength.
Pray for Little Lambs and our director Ashley Ludemann and staff. Pray for the children and our mission to reach them with the love of Jesus.
Ladies there is a signup sheet on the bulletin board in the foyer for Conference which will take place on April 5th at Trinity. Please join us. You won’t want to miss it.
Trinity will be hosting meals at 5:00pm during the Sundays in Lent (March 9 through April 13). The entire community is invited. Local pastors will be providing a devotion at 5:30 each week. We are looking for two individuals/families to provide soup, sandwiches and dessert for approximately 50 people on each Sunday, there is 1 week left to fill, sign up today.
Trinity Café is open! Join us for great food and conversation on Thursdays from 7:30-9:00 AM
March 20 – Loaded Potatoes March 27 – Biscuits & Gravy
Mark Your Calendars: The first 5th Sunday potluck of the year is March 30. We are changing it up a bit and doing a brunch potluck. It will be held during fellowship time. There’s so many possibilities! Breakfast….lunch…we’re excited to see the variety!
BINGO! Join us for Bingo after the Lenten Soup and Devotions on Sunday, March 30. Bingo will begin at 6:00 p.m. All proceeds will benefit the Jr. & Sr. High Youth Programs.
Join us next Sunday, March 23. Airyn Duffy will be sharing her musical talents with us!
If you would like to order an Easter Lily, please sign up on the bulletin board and leave a check made to “Posie and Company” in the envelope. The lilies will be $17.00 each and the deadline to order is April 1.
We are looking to add to our sound/video team. If you are interested, please contact Parker Merritt.
The new “Word of Hope” are in the bookrack.
In The Word
Sunday: Revelation 4
Monday: Revelation 5
Tuesday: Revelation 6
Wednesday: Revelation 7
Thursday: Revelation 8
Friday: Revelation 9
Saturday: Revelation 10